Washougal Timber Trails
M. P. 3.84R Washougal River Road
Washougal, WA 98671
Case No. CU-92-05
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the above-named Applicant that the aforesaid application for a Conditional Use is granted as follows:
Conditional use to allow individual members to construct a cover for a recreational vehicle unit, deck, and storage shed on each camping vehicle site (CVS) on property located at M.P. 3.84R Washougal River Road, Skamania County Tax Lot No. 2-5-27-300, subject to the following conditions:
1) The placement of RVs and construction of RV covers, decks and storage buildings shall be setback from the side and rear of each CVS boundary by a distance of 5 feet.
2) The construction of RV covers, decks and storage buildings shall be setback from the ordinary high water mark of the Washougal River by a distance of 50 feet, 50 feet from Washougal River Road and 20 feet from all other perimeters. The same setbacks also apply to replacement of existing structures.
3) The construction of RV covers, decks and storage buildings shall be 35 feet in height or less. The size of storage buildings shall be a maximum of 100 square feet, not to exceed 8 feet in height; a covered area shall total 50 feet by 20 feet which shall include a covering for the RV and a deck if desired.
4) All structures shall be generally compatible with the surrounding environment. Exterior walls of all buildings, including out buildings, shall have a finished surface, preferably wood siding; exterior walls of non-wood material shall be finished in muted tones by painting, staining or other processing.
5) Disposal of water shall be in accordance with Southwest Washington Health District regulations.
THIS ACTION shall be final and conclusive unless within (10) ten days of October 8, 1992 an appeal is filed by an adverse party to a court of competent jurisdiction for a writ of certiorari, a writ of prohibition, or a writ of mandamus.
DATED this 8th day of October, 1992 at Stevenson, Washington.
Susan K. Lourne, Secretary to
the Board of Adjustment
(Click here for a printable pdf of the WTTA Order Granting Conditional Use.)